Starting in August the Jodie McCallum Gallery will feature artists on the patio. Our goal is to expand on this venue in the coming months , through Fall, to include many merchants in Marblehead. who will be hosting artists in front of their shops. The event will take place the third Saturday of every month starting in May through October 2009. The McCallum Gallery has started the program as of August that featured Mary Waters and her Nephew, Scott Blair, who displayed their expertise in clay.
On August the 16th, from 11:00am - 2:00pm, we will feature Gary Perkins who will be demonstrating his wood turning skills. Gary is co-owner of a wonderful Gallery in Fremont, OH. - DaVinci's.
Complimentary refreshments and some marvelous munchies will be served during the demonstration, so why not stop by and view a real craftsman at work?