View of west wall, teal wall on left will have the three pedestals placed
in front with stainless steel metal sculptures place on the mirrored tops.
The lighter colored wall will have two rows hung horizontally of original artwork and limited edition prints.

This is an image of the artist's studio, the window to the left faces the north allowing the true north light. The digital
video camera will be mounted to the ceiling and will focus on the drawing table that will be placed against the brown wall. The images will be sent to the large flat screen TV so the artists will be able to show scheduled tour groups how they Illustrate their works of art.
The new awning is being installed.

The landscaping and patio is scheduled to start within the next 2-3 weeks. A "Soft Opening" is scheduled for late April with a Grand Opening scheduled for June 21st.
We will be posting new images as the displays and paintings are hung in the Gallery.